Trails and Maps
Proposed trail does not have a Remediation Action Plan completed at this time. It is scheduled to be done in Phase 3 of the project (after 2025). Responsibility for the trail will be transferred to the new homeowners of Hillcrest Estates.

Land Use
The northern and eastern perimeter of the property along the slough is part of a protected riparian corridor and is not included in the current Renewed RAP. These areas are being separately assessed and will be kept accessible for future characterization and remedial action. (p. 10 of WHA Renewed Remedial Action Plan (2022))
Current view of the northwestern corner (topographic depression) of the vacant Site
Trail Extension
Development Agreement–Hillcrest Subdivision
City of Watsonville – Hillcrest Watsonville, LLC.
7.5.2. Nature Trail/Walk Extension (p. 23)
The community use of the trail shall be restricted to walking, running, and bicycles, and is not for motor bikes or automobiles. The Nature Trail shall be maintained by the Homeowners Association.
Development Agreement:
8.4. Trail Extension by Phase. (p. 25)
The Project Plans show the existing nature trail bordering the Sunshine Gardens subdivision ending at the property line for the Project site. The full trail extension shall not be required as part of Stage 2. However, Nature Trail shall be completed as stated in Exhibit D, Item #7 and Item #12 with the full trail extension completed prior to or concurrent with the completion of Stage 3 The City plans to construct a trail and bridge at the northeast corner of the Property that links to the new trail extension to the existing trail to the north (with this segment being referred to as the "Lower Watsonville Slough Loop Trail.) The city MAY build the bridge and trail concurrent with new trail extension of after its completion.
Hillcrest Estates Phasing Plan (Green highlight indicates proposed future trail)